Monday, October 24, 2011

10 weeks 6 days

Hello all!  Sorry it's been so long since I've written an be quite honest I haven't really felt like doing much of anything lately.  Thanks to hellacious morning sickness, I've been pretty much bed ridden for most of the last 4 weeks.

My morning sickness started around weeks 6-7 and is just now starting to ease up.  While dealing with it, I have lost about 10-15 lbs.  There was a good 2-3 weeks period where I couldn't eat anything.  ANYTHING.  I was living off Ensure and Gatorade.  They say that morning sickness is a sign that everything is going okay, but let me tell you it felt like I was dying.  At one point I was even getting sick off of liquids.  The Dr. gave me some medicine but sadly it didn't really make a difference.  I've just had to suck it up and deal with it knowing that the pay off is going to be greater than I could ever imagine.

Things are finally starting to calm down in the womb.  Pookes has decided that I am now allowed to eat occasionally.  I'm going in 2-3 day stretches where everything is fine and then I'll go back to feeling like absolute poo for a day.  I've got it figured out that if I don't eat within 20 minutes of feeling hungry then that's when I'll get sick.  Problem solved, I just have to constantly carry food/snacks with me!

On another note, if you haven't heard already, Spencer proposed to me on October 12th, and I of course said yes :)  We'd talked about getting married shortly after we began dating so it really wasn't a huge shock that this was coming, but it was still a surprise nonetheless.  We haven't decided on a date yet, we're thinking it's something we would like to do before baby is born though.  I'll keep all of you posted, and I promise it won't be a month before my next update!

As you can see, the baby bump STILL is in hiding.  This pic was taken in the early morning before I'd eaten anything.  MAYBE there's a slight protrusion, but it's probably still just good ol' me.  Come on Pookes!  Show yourself!

Thanks again to everyone for their support, we all really appreciate it.