I'm getting better at remembering to post on here. Sort of. At least I only went 2 weeks this time between posts instead of a month! :)
We're at 13 weeks and 1 day today, and things are still going well. My morning sickness (which made me lose 12 lbs.) is really starting to ease up. I had 4 days where I felt "normal" again, then it made a small comeback for a day, and today we're back at feeling that things are good. I'm still not having any weird cravings, but when I'm hungry, I'm HUNGRY.
We're officially in trimester 2, so that's pretty exciting. This is the time we had PLANNED on announcing my pregnancy to everyone, but seeing as how I've been feeling/acting for the past 3 months it wouldn't really have been a shock to anyone.
Not too much else to say for this post, my next visit is on the 29th and they really aren't doing anything too special. I don't get another ultrasound until I am 20 weeks. Pretty much right now we're just going to sit back and let Pookes do it's thing and wait for the day we get to say hello again :)
This weeks belly picture kind of makes me excited...is it just me or am I starting to get a little bit of a bump? As my friend Josh from work puts it "Well, you just look fat. But not a "fat" fat, more of a "there's a baby in there" fat." Any opinions?