Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Update on The Pookes

Spencer and I call the baby "the Pookes".  It's pronounced "poo-kus" or "puck-us".  Not really sure how that came about, but I like it because it's not a gender specific name.  Every time I refer to little pookes as a he or she it just feels off.  I've tried to get a feeling for what I'm carrying, but so far I have no gut instinct.  Initially I was sure it was going to be a girl, but now I have no clue.

Quick update on things in the womb.  Pookes seems to be adjusting well and making room to grow.  I cramp a lot (which is normal for pregnancy, especially the first one), I pee a lot, I get headaches, I'm emotional, I'm constantly tired but can't sleep, and when I do sleep I have VERY vivid dreams.  So far no morning sickness so that's a good thing, but I can't seem to eat large quantities of food.  I'm finding it easier to eat a little every 2 or 3 hours.  If I try to eat a normal sized meal my stomach hurts.

First baby doctor appointment is on Sept. 29th.  I'm not sure what all will be done...I'll be roughly 8 weeks then so I'm hoping that I'll get my first ultra-sound.  I'll keep updating as much as possible, but right now I'm living in Greenwood to finish up some training for work so my spare time is stretched pretty thin.

Thanks again to everyone who wished us well!  We hadn't planned on telling you all so early, but we decided we'd want people to hear the news through us instead of through the grapevine :)

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