Monday, September 5, 2011

Welp, I'm pregnant :)

By the time you all are reading this I'm sure I'll be a few months along.  I hope no one is angry that we kept quiet, but surely you will understand why.  We wanted to make it through the "safe" time and also wanted to make sure all family was informed by us instead of through the grapevine.

We found out that I was pregnant on September 3rd.  We honestly weren't expecting to see a positive result.  There was no indication that I was pregnant.  Our day started out pretty mundane, we got some lunch at Great Steak and Potato and picked up a pregnancy test while we were out.  I had been feeling "off" the few days prior so we just decided to take a test to rule it out.

At first, there was NO line.  That pee stick was stark white.  I came out to share the results with Spencer, when I caught a glimpse of the test in better lighting.  It was BARELY visible, but a little pink line was there.  Even though it was right in front of us, we still didn't believe it 100%.  We initially thought the line was an "evap", or a shadow of where the "positive" result would be if it were indeed positive.  We decided to test again in the morning.

I woke up the next day (Sept. 4th) at around 5 a.m. and took the test.  This time it didn't take long at all to realize the line was there, and not only was it there, but it was pink.  Some time passed and the line darkened, so we were now sure that we were expecting.

My estimated due date is May 8th.  As of now (Sept. 5th), I haven't even been to the doctor.  I'm going in tomorrow to get a blood test so my pregnancy can be "officially" confirmed.

Attached are pictures of the first tests I took, and week 1 belly photo.

(Picture 1- First 3 tests.  Wanted to make sure they were getting darker and progressing correctly.  As you can see, pregnancy brain is already setting in.  I labeled the 3rd test as Sept. is the 5th lol.
Picture 2-  Belly Photo, Week 1.
Picture 3-  The VERY first test.  Now you can see why we were unsure :)
Picture 4-  The second test.)


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